scroll down for fall classes
Contact Barbara for more information and to register:
Introduction to polyester plate lithography, with Alice Dubiel, September 15 and 22. $110. materials included. Polyester litho is an inexpensive commercial method of printmaking using custom sized plates on which artists can use digital media, derive from photocopy/laser print, draw directly, or use other media to create the image. We will not include color separations in this workshop, but confine ourselves to simple one-run images, and point to possibilities for mixed media printmaking
Digital and mixed media printmaking workshop, with Alice Dubiel, October 20 and 27. $120. materials included. This workshop will explore combining multiple print media including polyester litho, collagraph, relief, stencil, and paper preparation including joomchi and painting techniques.
For more information/to register for fall classes
contact Alice: or 206.782.7455